KS4 French
Work through all topic units and grammar units especially on the past, present and future tenses.
Use the username and password you have been sent home and given at school. Focus on the intermediate sections.
Go to and use the Year 10 French class code: 2qykgbd
For help with this work please email french@aspire.fcat.org.uk
For members of Aspire Chinese Club and anyone else interested in learning about Chinese language, food and culture…
The Chinese teachers from Anchorsholme Academy have updated their series of video classes with a variety of new videos of various activities that cater for different interests for children and their parents.
Besides the regular cooking class videos uploaded every Monday, there will be a video about interesting paper craft work or traditional stories behind famous Chinese dishes every Wednesday. There are already videos about paper-cutting butterflies and paper-folding of ancient Chinese official hats that you can watch by clicking this link: .
Why not get involved?
Here is a link to the first video class: . Don't forget that there are updates on Monday and Wednesday every week.
Click the following link for continuous updates.
MFL activities you can do from home!
Write down ten words you know for the topic of school. Then say them in sentences. 10 POINTS |
Write out the verb ‘avoir’ in the present tense. Make a sentence for each part of the verb. 10 POINTS |
Pick a printed text given out by your teacher. Annotate each sentence with the following: P: positive 10 POINTS |
Research a French Impressionist painter and draw up a profile in French. Use Claude Monet if you get stuck. 10 POINTS |
What can you learn about the Ile de la Cité in Paris? Make some notes. 10 POINTS |
Think of as many infinitive verbs as you can for the topic of technology. Put them in the present tense. 10 POINTS |
Now take the verbs from the box to the left, and for perfect tense sentences. 10 POINTS |
Look up and learn some irregular adjective endings in French. 10 POINTS |
Learn (chant) the regular verb endings for -ir verbs! Je finis nous finissons Tu finis vous finissez Il/elle finit ils/elles finissent 10 POINTS |
Spend some time on a virtual visit to the ‘Stade de France’. Write some notes and write a simple description in French. 10 POINTS |
Say out loud all of the positive opinion words you can. Then say the same number of negative opinions. 10 POINTS |
Give your opinions on different types of social media. E.g. Je pense que Facebook est stupide. 10 POINTS |
Write down 10 words you know for the topic of where you live. Then say them in sentences. 10 POINTS |
Think about the most recent topic you studied in school and practise answering general conversation questions for this topic. 10 POINTS |
Make a poster or leaflet outlining the dangers of mobile phones. 10 POINTS |
Find out as much as you can about ‘La Francophonie’. 10 POINTS |
Watch a couple of episodes of Peppa Pig in French. 10 POINTS |
Make a list of connectives in French that you know. Now add at least 5 new one. Test yourself straightway, then again tomorrow. 10 POINTS |
Use BBC Bitesize to improve knowledge of Marriage. 10 POINTS |
Select a German text. Write five true or false questions about the text. Send to one of your classmates. 10 POINTS |
How many ways of expressing your opinion in French can you think of? 10 POINTS |
Make a poster which includes six anti-poverty messages. 10 POINTS |
Write down five of the most important structures in French. Learn them by heart. 10 POINTS |
Pick a printed text you have been given by your teacher. Write one sentence with a maximum of eight words to summarise the text. 10 POINTS |
Write down 10 words you know for the topic of unhealthy lifestyles. Then say them in sentences. 10 POINTS |
Write a letter of complaint to a restaurant. 10 POINTS |
Write down 10 words you know for the topic of holidays. Then say them in sentences. 10 POINTS |
At least eight times today, say the time in French. 10 POINTS |
Who is ‘la Joconde’ and where does she live? 10 POINTS |
Write the verb ‘choisir’ out with the correct endings! Je chois_ nous chois_ Tu chois_ vous chois_ Il/Elle chois_ ils/elles chois_ 10 POINTS |
Make one of these grids for a Year 7 student learning French. 10 POINTS |
Look around you. How many things can you name in French? Learn five more words and practise them. Revisit them tomorrow. 10 POINTS |
Make a list of ten regular -er verbs in French, then write the past participles next to the verbs. 10 POINTS |
Après avoir Spend 20 minutes on these exercises. 10 POINTS |
Make a list of negatives in French. Put them each into a sentence. 10 POINTS |
With the sentences you wrote for the previous activity, make the sentences positive. 10 POINTS |
What can you find out about the French-speaking part of Canada? Spend at least 30 minutes carrying out some research. 10 POINTS |
Write a letter of application for a job in French. Include a 10 POINTS |
What do we mean by ‘irregular verbs’? Can you give some examples in French? 10 POINTS |
What are the infinitives of these past participles? 10 POINTS |
Comment est ton école ? 10 POINTS |
Write a grammar guide for a Year 9 student. Include gender / adjectives / present tense verbs / past tense verbs. 10 POINTS |
Write an email to a newspaper highlighting the social problems in your town. 10 POINTS |
Write down 10 words you know for the topic of holidays. Then say them in sentences. 10 POINTS |
Make a list of ten -ir verbs in French, then write the past participles next to the verbs. 10 POINTS |
Write a postcard or text to a friend saying what you did yesterday. 10 POINTS |
Revise (chant) the regular verb endings for -er verbs! 10 POINTS |
Put each of the verbs from the previous box into a sentence. 10 POINTS |
Say the time – quarter to the hour for 1-12. Now say it again. Now reverse order. 10 POINTS |
Explain how to form the past participle of regular -er, -ir and -re verbs. 10 POINTS |
Write a short set of directions in French to go from your house to another place nearby. Careful with ‘tout droit’ and ‘à droite’. 10 POINTS |
Make an ‘odd one out’ puzzle in French and share it with your friends. 10 POINTS |
Find out and learn as many different ice cream flavours as you can in French. 10 POINTS |
Think of as many infinitive verbs as you can for the topic of environment. Put them in the present tense. 10 POINTS |
Find a French text on the subject of holidays. Read it and then transform into approx. eight pictures. 10 POINTS |
With the pictures you have drawn in the exercise in the box to the left, write sentences to represent the pictures. 10 POINTS |
Learn and use each phrase in a sentence. 10 POINTS |
Make a French worksheet for a Year 7 students on clothes and colours. Share it with a child or send to your friend. 10 POINTS |
Add correct endings to this verb. Make sentences. 10 POINTS |
Learn these modal verbs: 10 POINTS |
Now put these modal verbs into sentences. Then change the person to Il or Elle. 10 POINTS |
Spend at least 20 minutes on this French Verb buster activity. 10 POINTS |
Imagine you are on holiday somewhere warm and sunny. Write a postcard to your friend. 10 POINTS |
Listen to some French music ‘Papaoutai’ by Stromae is a good start. 10 POINTS |
Write a list of things (in French) you would need for a day at the beach. 10 POINTS |
Learn these ‘little words’! 10 POINTS |
Quel est votre numéro de téléphone ? Répétez s’il vous plait! 10 POINTS |
Write a description of your favourite cartoon character in French. 10 POINTS |
Made a guided tour video of your house in French. 10 POINTS |
Do some research on festivals in France. 10 POINTS |
Write out some top tips in French for recycling at home. 10 POINTS |
Who is ‘Le petit Nicolas’ ? 10 POINTS |
Have you heard of Astérix? 10 POINTS |
If you were in Le Massif Central, where would you be? 10 POINTS |
Learn these forms of the verb 10 POINTS |
How many countries can you name in French? 10 POINTS |
False friends – in English? 10 POINTS |
Think of as many infinitive verbs as you can for the topic of social issues. Put them in the present tense. 10 POINTS |
Learn these forms of the verb ‘avoir – to have’ 10 POINTS |
Learn these forms of the verb 10 POINTS |
Write a list of top tips in French on how to stay healthy whilst having to stay at home – use ‘il faut’ + infinitive. 10 POINTS |
Watch and enjoy this video! 10 POINTS |
Make a list of ten -re verbs in French, then write the past participles next to the verbs. 10 POINTS |
Say these phrases as many times as you can today. 10 POINTS |
Plan a holiday in Paris for a 10 POINTS |
Which famous French person is buried at Les Invalides? 10 POINTS |
Write a ‘P – positive, N – negative or P+N’ style question on the topic of free time. 10 POINTS |
What is so important about ‘le quatorze juillet’? Find out some facts. 10 POINTS |
Write out a role play at a sports centre. Include at least one problem. 10 POINTS |
Explain how to form the conditional tense and when you would use this tense. 10 POINTS |
Form the 1st person conditional of these verbs: 10 POINTS |
What are the names of these fairy tales in English? 10 POINTS |
Write a description of your favourite actor in French. 10 POINTS |
Did you know that in France many people celebrate their saint’s day as well as their birthday? When would yours be? 10 POINTS |
Put these ‘little words’ into sentences: 10 POINTS |
Watch this video and write out the transcript. 10 POINTS |
Name five hot drinks in French. Order them in a café! 10 POINTS |
What is a Croque Monsieur? 10 POINTS |