Dear Parent/Carer,

I am writing to inform you of the School's plans for Sports Day this year. Sports Day once again will be held at Stanley Park Athletics Arena, this year on Friday, 12th July. The day will run from 8.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. and we are asking that pupils, instead of coming to school, are to meet us at the park where they will be registered by Form Tutors. At 1.30 p.m. pupils will be dismissed from the park to make their own way home.

Pupils will be required to wear their full ASPIRE PE Kit, even if they have not currently put their name down for an event. Sun cream and plenty of fluids in case of hot weather are also essential. Pupils should also try and ensure where possible to wear trainers that provide adequate ankle support, especially when competing in running events. Due to the lack of a canteen at break time you may wish to send your child in with a snack.

lt is essential that all pupils have breakfast before taking part in any events to ensure they have sufficient energy supplies to meet the demands of the activities. A number of pupils in previous years who missed breakfast had to receive first aid treatment for feeling faint and sick, an issue we wish to avoid this year.

Although parents are more than welcome to come and watch the event we do ask that you remain outside of the main stands in the designated parent zone and off the athletics track where students are competing. We also ask that you do not ask your child to come and sit outside of the stands with you. For safeguarding purposes, it is essential that all pupils remain in the stands when not competing in an event. I would also like to take the opportunity to say that even though pupils may finish their individual events before 1.30 p.m. they will not be granted permission to leave until 1.30 p.m.

The arena is suitable for poor weather so the Sports Day will go ahead unless there is extremely bad weather on the day. Should this happen, parents and students will be notified of the cancellation of Sports Day by text, information on our school web page () and school lnstagram page (blackpoolaspirepe). If Sports Day is cancelled we will refer back to normal timetabled lessons in school, but finishing at the usual time of 3.00pm.

Yours sincerely,
Mrs S Elson
Head of Physical Education